Thursday, December 31, 2009

January 2010 ~ The Adventure Continues!

I will leave for Nepal on Saturday, January 2, 2010! I'm very excited to be visiting Nepal again to continue the work of the Madhav Ghimire Foundation and to further the work of supporting literacy in the villages of our Scholarship recipients.

I have been receiving updates, messages, and pictures from our friends in Bandipur concerning the library and it seems things are going well. Biju, the librarian has done an amazing job in continuing to maintain an environment of welcoming all castes and ages into the library so everyone is able to enjoy and learn together, regardless of their "position".

I'm very excited to visit and see how things are going. I have collected more learning games for the kids, books, and donations for more supplies.

During this three week trip I will visit the homes, schools, and villages of many of the scholarship girls and look for the next library location. The goal I have in mind is to build/make a library in each scholarship girl's village. The benefits are for the girls and their communities. Supporting the teachers and education in these villages is also beneficial to all and a great joy as well.

I will be posting here and share my findings and explorations...joys and sorrows....
and love with you all. Namaste Friends...thank you for being an important part of this journey and this work....

Love to All~
Happy New Year as we continue on this Journey of Love and Learning.



  1. I can't believe I failed to see you while you were home. I am sorry. I pray for a safe and productive trip. I will also be praying for Biju. That must be a difficult position. I pray that the people of all castes will be accepting of the work everyone is doing with the library.

    Love you,

  2. You've been on my mind a lot lately and I was glad to see Kelly posted your blog on FB. I've been wondering how counseling, school, and your life in general has been. It looks as if you are off to your favorite place again to bless them with your wisdom and happy smile! Have a wonderful trip and my thoughts will be with you, and all of the wonderful children whose lives you will Tinkerbelle and her magic wand!!

  3. Happy New Year Heather! I hope you are doing well. I love the pictures and I love you!

  4. I am such a dork Heather!! I thought you were leaving on the 4th. Hope you have a great trip. Go charge your crystal on the mountaintop girl:)!!!!
