Monday, July 27, 2009

Working With the Scholarship Girls~

Here the girls are working on posters about themselves that I brought from America. They are currently on their "vacation" but each day they insist on homework and bring back sentences and writing that clearly display tremendous effort and great appreciation! :) I write comments on their papers and correct their grammar/spelling errors...they love it!

Working with the scholarship girls has been so fun! They are very smart and enthusiastic to learn. We work together each day for two hours, from 10-12. Each day we work on a variety of objectives... I enjoy making the learning fun and interactive and they are not used to this type of teaching and learning. I often get straight faces and have to ask directly for feedback from them! Each day I ask them to reflect on their learning and they are now beginning to feel comfortable with this activity. They are beginning to smile, laugh, and interact during the lessons and when I see them in the village their little faces just light up and it makes my heart so happy!


It is fun to meet with them each day and see the fruit of their labor~ They truly value their education and want to be challenged and pushed academically~ so amazing!



  1. Life long education.........these girls will be the leaders in their chosen fields in the future. The opportunities that you have given them to be the best they can be are an investment in the future for many generations.... Well done you ;)

  2. This is the nitty gritty of it all, the rhyme and the reason for you being out there. Not only are you changing these girls lives, but you are leaving a massively positive impact on the future of Nepal too.

  3. I felt your love teaching those girls. I had many similar experience as yours teaching highly intelligent girls in my lab. Wish you best, and if time allows I would like to join you next year.
